Newsletter #2 Student Testimonies July (2018)

First, I want to thank you,

It is because of your prayers and support that I am able to follow after
God's calling on my life to disciple and teach. By myself I could not get
here, so again, thank you! I recently sent you an update about my upcoming
Discipleship Training School (DTS), but I want to share with you some of
the beautiful things God did in our past DTS! God is doing AMAZING THINGS
in YWAM, both stateside and in the nations; believe me, I've seen it! I
urge you, for the sake of Christ, share in my joy in the work that God is
doing in the lives and hearts of students here in Montana and in the lives
of people they serve as they travel to the Nations.

Here is a brief overview of our school

Our students went through three months of training in foundational
discipleship topics such as: The Nature and Character of God, Hearing God’s
Voice, Relationships, and Missions. I had the honor of walking alongside
our students during this phase in both a mentoring and teaching role. After
our lecture phase, our school took off to two locations, India and Taiwan
for an additional three months. We had the privilege of sharing the gospel
with over 1,000 people! The greatest testimony from all of this is that God
is constant and faithful, and Jesus transforms people's lives throughout
the world!

Click here to watch a video from outreach!
Testimonies from students in the school

Hannah Gilliam - “On outreach something I really struggled with was not
knowing the purpose of why I was there because I wasn’t seeing any outcome
or any fruit from the ministry that we were doing. But, one day when I was
in the girl’s school in the slums, I had the opportunity to just hold one
of the little girls, then she fell asleep in my arms and God spoke so
clearly to me that this was the reason that he had brought me thousands of
miles to India. He brought me there to love his people well, to show them a
glimpse of his heart, and although I might not see any fruit from, it’s
what he had asked me to do, so that should be good enough for me. I really
learned how important it is to be a seed planter, whether I’m seeing fruit
from what God is doing or not. God calls us to love people and love them
well, and he just retaught me the importance of that.”

Josh Steenhoven - “During my outreach in Taiwan, God showed His
faithfulness to me time and time again. God taught me that even though I
don't have a crazy story of change where He came and turned me around, my
testimony is still important to Him and worth sharing. He also showed me
that one of my gifts is to encourage others, whether it was people on my
team or the Taiwanese people themselves. Finally, the greatest thing God
did during my time there was at a kids camp in Hualien that I got to help
lead. During that time, God broke a lie that said I was unable to be a
good leader. Now I walk in the freedom knowing that not only can I lead
well, but that's part of who God created me to be.”

Mary Hawthorne -  “God is moving everywhere, drawing people to know Him, be in relationship with him, and have life through Jesus. I am reminded of
this one day of the two months we were on outreach when I was looking out
over the city of Taitung in Taiwan. I was initially struck by the beauty of
the ocean and the mountains nearby but in between me and the ocean there
were so many houses, buildings, so many people going about their lives that
needed to know the truth and freedom of the gospel. I turned around from
where I was standing and looked at the idols in the temple we were at the
top of, my heart ached, because so many people worshiping these idols
didn’t know of anything different. I felt the burden of the task of being
in the city for only two months. There were so many people that don’t even
know about Jesus, what could I, just as one person, do to touch the hearts
of the Taiwanese there? But then in the distance I saw a little Red Cross
from a church in the city. God reminded me that we weren’t called to do
this alone, He called us to go into all the nations but He didn’t just
leave it there, he promised He would be with us even until the end of the
age. As our team of nine played sports with local people, ran a kids camp,
built relationship at a ministry cafe, went into the city for Spirit-led
evangelism, and encouraged and prayed with believers already there, it was
amazing to work together, partner with God, and get a glimpse of God’s
heart and how He was moving in the Taiwanese people’s lives to draw them
near to Himself and bring them freedom, healing, and life in Jesus’ name!”

Much Love,

- Katie Warford


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